Once again I turn to a great radio show on NPR called Speaking of Faith. I heard the story of Robi Damelin who lost her son David to a Palestinian sniper and the story of Ali Abu Awwad who lost his older brother Yousef to an Israeli soldier. But, instead of clinging to traditional ideologies and turning their pain into more violence, they've decided to understand the other side — Israeli and Palestinian — by sharing their pain and their humanity. They tell of a gathering network of survivors who share their grief, their stories of loved ones, and their ideas for lasting peace. They don't want to be right; they want to be honest.
Listen to the show which runs about 53 minutes (
.MP3 or
Real Audio) and then feel free to comment.
I know that a re-United Palestine, secular and for all of it's people will not be easy, but it is something we NEED to do. It is the only way out of this mess...
Great entry!
Salam, from a fellow Palestinian in Montreal.
I do not have the time at this moment to listen but if it is about the
parents circle:
they are true hero's - all of them. that's real greatness, to lose the most precious one owns in this world and to recognize that, in fact, exactly THAT is the thing what's most wrong in this region.
PS - Merry Christmas, Abu-Issa ;)
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